Relevance of Blogging in 2022

Is Blog Still the Kingpin for Websites In 2022?

By Mitali Purkait Ghosh on August 3, 2022

Talk about blogging in 2022 and get a tongue-in-cheek reaction! Does that mean blogging is dead? It is a thing of the past? There may be some truth in these reactions but a major chunk of it is NOT true. If you are to believe the truth, blogging is still relevant in 2022. Statistics reveal that over 400 million internet users go through 20 billion blog pages every month. That is reason enough for marketers to prioritize blogging as the prima face of their content marketing strategy. Blogging has shown a 12% growth during the last five years. If you want to create blogs for the people to update through knowledge and feel excited about, hire website content writer from Digital Concepts. We have a full-blown team of content writers with several years of experience. They are abreast with the latest trends in blogging and uncover the best in keeping with the clients’ requirements.

In case you are wondering whether blogs are still relevant in 2022, take a look at the points below to get to the truth.

Increase website traffic by over 400%

Based on the statistics of business blogging, sites with blogs have over 400% or more indexed pages that the search engine visits and analyzes before adding to the list of web pages. The significance of index pages for website ranking is a foregone conclusion. So, having less than usual may lower your rank and you will lose traffic. Hiring our SEO content writing services lets you drive more traffic to your website and leverage that.

Food bloggers

Research based on surveys of the first quarter of 2022 reveals that the popularity of food bloggers is on the rise. Delve into their average monthly income and you are sure to get a clearer idea about the relevance of blogs in 2022.

Blog readers? Any?

Oh well, there is no denying the fact that people still read blogs. The data revealed indicates that over 75% of the internet users prefer reading them and the number of bloggers is slated to rise exponentially from 2021 to 2022. So, blogging is not dead yet and they are still considered one of the most reliable sources of information online. Believe it or not, readers trust the information present in the blog posts. Further research indicates that over 60% of the purchases made online are influenced by blog posts.

Using the blog to boost the engagement

Do you know why bloggers reach for social media to promote their writings? The social media platforms have a good number of followers and the posts drive traffic when done correctly. Moreover, the bloggers get an opportunity to receive feedback from the viewers through the comments section on the website. That is why you need to hire a blog writer from an authentic agency to rev up your brand when posting blogs on social media sites. Digital Concepts is one of the names that surface when you need experienced writers to pen the blogs. That way you will add more credibility to your brand.

Lengthy blog posts of 2000 words

The blogging facts reveal that short posts are done away with. Now, readers look forward to long content, exposing the topic inside out. But that is not to mention that the short ones are no longer in vogue; just that the search engines favor long content and rank them higher than the shorter posts since they are in-depth and comprehensive.

Enhancing website traffic

Planning to boost the website traffic but wondering how? The plagiarism-free content with compelling substances included gives a boost to the website. So, easy-to-read blogs are the way to reach the masses and the classes online.

Blogging is not a waste of time if you know how to target the niche and above all, the writers need to be passionate about the topics. Small companies with an employee count of one to ten and writing over ten posts every month received twice more traffic than companies relying on two to five posts. That says it all. Findings indicate blogs are important for companies to thrive in the online world.

If you want to give your site a boost and hire website content writer India, Digital Concepts is the company to count on. Email or call +91 98301 40672 to state your requirements.

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